AYT Virtual Newsletter: June
Welcome to the first Virtual Newsletter.
Here the upcoming offerings:
Ashtanga Classes @ Practice Telluride
Mondays and Wednesdays:
630-8a Mysore style (email me to join)
830-930a Led Ashtanga
Summer Supper @ AhHaa Telluride
In the Kitchen with Babsi: Simple & Quick Vegetarian Foods with a Twist!
Wednesday June 22nd, 5:30-7:00pm $25
It’s like locals’ lunch, but supper! Enjoy wine sold by the glass!
An intimate invitation into our kitchen, to connect with a local chef or home cook while they demonstrate their favorite recipe. Locals’ Lunch and Summer Supper are a series of hands-on experiences and an opportunity to slow down, meet your neighbor, partake in some culinary storytelling, learn something unexpected, and connect over a delicious, shared meal. Participants may help with food preparation or simply watch the magic happen! This is a great opportunity to learn about the culinary traditions of the guest chef, gain new skills, and connect with other community members. Limited to 10 people, so register soon! All materials and ingredients are provided.
Register: https://www.ahhaa.org/calendarize/summer-supper-2/
Telluride Yoga Festival: June 23-26
Practice with Babsi:
Saturday, 8-930a: Led Ashtanga Primary Series
Sign up: https://sched.co/z7R8
Sunday, noon-1p: Chanting
Sign up: https://sched.co/z7Qw
Get your tickets & passes here.
Hope to see you!
Babsi x